South Africa has the potential to become the next go-to Craft Cannabis destination of the world.

Artisanal or craft cannabis is marijuana which is cultivated by small growers, usually using environmentally-friendly techniques to produce top-quality results that are often difficult to replicate on a large scale. The term, Craft Cannabis, was first coined in California with the concept being identical to that of craft beer/microbreweries, specialty coffee or premium wine. Craft Cannabis originally referred to sun-grown marijuana by small-scale farmers but has expanded to include small, artisanal cultivators whether it be indoor or sun-grown weed. Two regions that are currently pioneering this movement are California and Canada.
While the private use and cultivation of cannabis have been legal in South Africa for the past two years, the sale of cannabis remains illegal and obtaining a license to grow commercially is almost impossible with the current requirements. Without a considerable amount of capital, it seems almost impossible for small-scale cultivators (some of whom have been growing cannabis for years, even generations) to partake in what is predicted to be a multi-billion dollar a year industry in Africa.
This lack of reasonable access to licensing has led to a steady rise in home-growers, city farmers, and semi-commercial clubs over the past two years who are turning to the craft industry. This rise in small to medium-scale cultivators could set a precedent for post-prohibition in South Africa, laying the ground-work for what could be the next major craft cannabis destination of the world.
If the correct legislation is passed to support this trend, it could open up phenomenal opportunities for tourism in South Africa. In parts of Europe and the USA, cannabis has created unparalleled economic opportunities from cannabis clubs to restaurants, spas, festivals and tours. Cannabis can influence countless pillar industries positively from; food to medicine, clothing, construction, renewable energy and more.
Why you should support craft cannabis businesses:
1) Community
Craft businesses impact and uplift local communities directly, creating more opportunity and jobs. Niche cannabis businesses help to normalize cannabis culture, tradition and lifestyle and help to include members of the public who would otherwise continue to stigmatize the herb. Local socio-economic activity associated with the industry has proven to create a strong foundation for community development, and South African communities could immensely benefit from a thriving craft cannabis industry.
2) Sustainability
The craft cannabis movement is sustainable in a few ways. Most craft operations or small-scale cultivators are known to farm with more environmentally-friendly techniques. They can take more active measures, such as the use of organic pesticides or beneficial insects, which are effective but require much more effort on a large-scale indoor setup. In the greater sense, cannabis is an all-round sustainable and renewable resource. Supporting craft businesses could help shape post-prohibition in SA and allow for small-scale cultivators (and not just major corporations) to develop innovative applications and products that help move South Africa towards being a regenerative society.
3) Quality
Perhaps one of the main driving forces behind a booming craft industry is the quality of a product. Craft or niche businesses tend to be popular because of the level of attention to detail in their products or services that are generally lacking in mass-produced products. While mass producers focus on maximizing yields, craft producers tend to focus on quality, growing in small areas where they can thoroughly control all the parameters that influence a plant and ensure consistent quality. Craft cultivators are also known for hand-trimming which preserves the bud, unlike automated trimming machines used on big commercial crops.
4) Economy and Future of Industry
According to research gathered for The African Cannabis Report, the legal cannabis industry could be worth more than $US 7.1 billion annually by 2023 with proper legislation across major markets, like South Africa. Of that total, $US1.7B (roughly R28 billion) would come from South Africa alone, the highest estimate out of all African countries. By supporting the rising craft industry in SA, we have a powerful opportunity to influence and diversify the industry and its regulations ensuring equal rights and access along with meaningful employment opportunities and substantial tax revenues.
Cape Cannabis Club and The Haze Club are both perfect examples of craft cannabis start-ups in South Africa who are pushing boundaries. The innovative clubs offer adult South Africans a legal cannabis growing and delivery service.
These clubs are no large scale, government-endorsed operation, they are craft start-ups with a keen focus on uplifting local communities and small-scale cultivators. They create job opportunities for local communities while often working alongside independent growers, managing the process of growing member’s plants on their behalf.
While both clubs have paused their operations, pending the outcome of what could be a groundbreaking court case for the country’s cannabis industry, craft cultivators like Cape Cannabis and The Haze Club (should they win their case) can play a vital role in building the foundation of the future of SA’s cannabis industry by ensuring local communities have equal access to jobs and equitable economic opportunity.
With the support of fellow citizens, South Africa has the potential to become the next go-to Craft Cannabis destination of the world.
Image | Unsplash
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By Leah De Luca