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Since the start of the 2020 lockdown in South Africa, the world has plummeted into a state of uncertainty. For many, this has resulted in a loss of income, possible isolation as well as the development of mental health problems such as anxiety – possibly due to the fear of the unknown. SEED INC offers you tips on how CBD can help you here.

If anxiety is left unchecked this could lead to a multitude of further health issues.

Complications Caused by Anxiety
Should anxiety not be adequately addressed, this can lead to several other health-related issues. Equally important, many people are not even aware that they suffer from anxiety. The milder symptoms of anxiety may include a clenched jaw and tight shoulders. Whereas some of the more severe complications include depression, insomnia headaches, ulcers and even heart disease.

Tips for Managing Anxiety and Stress
There are many effective ways in which a person can relieve stress and anxiety. Most involve changing your lifestyle: taking time out from work, eating well-balanced meals and getting enough sleep. However, if there’s severe anxiety at play, these methods might not be enough to ease the symptoms. Whilst it helps to incorporate more calming practices such as meditation, yoga, walks in nature and mindfulness into your daily routine, this might not be enough for some people who suffer from chronic anxiety. Chronic anxiety is defined as a disorder that involves constant and chronic worrying, nervousness, and tension – symptoms which may have been brought on by the pandemic that we are all currently experiencing. For those suffering at this level, it may be prudent to seek medical advice and intervention before health issues worsen.

CBD A Promising Supplement to Help Reduce Anxiousness

Can CBD help with anxiety, stress and depression?
Although CBD products have been around for quite some time, it has only truly come into its own in more recent years. Legalisation of the CBD has certainly helped it to become more mainstream, particularly the use of CBD oil for anxiety.
Research has revealed that CBD can be used as a supplement to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress. A study in 2019 used CBD to treat people who were struggling with anxiety and sleep.

The results of the study showed that 80% of the participants’ were able to reduce their anxiety with CBD whilst nearly 70% of participants reported improved sleep within the first month. Generally, the quality of sleep has also been proven as a signal in reducing stress and anxiety. Certain CBD supplements may assist in a better quality of sleep which could potentially reduce the symptoms of stress and the effects it has on our body.

There are many different CBD products as well as a variety of dosage forms such as oils, capsules, drops and teas. If you are considering trying to supplement with CBD to help reduce your anxiety – and are new to taking CBD, it is always wise to ‘Start low and go Slow’ when it comes to the Dosage. You could start with as little as a couple of drops daily increasing your dosage daily up to the 5mg, 10mg or 20mg daily dosage (this is the maximum daily dosage as per the Department of Health and SAHPRA.

The Rethink CBD Daily range of Oils and Capsules come in 3 different strengths which gives the consumer a variety of choices of what to use for their specific health requirements. However, please remember never to exceed 20mg of CBD per day.

CBD is lipophilic (fat-soluble), which means it compounds in your body over time, adding to potential health benefits, the longer you consume it. So, daily use is not only completely fine but encouraged – especially if you struggle with regular anxiety, pain or sleeplessness.

People considering CBD oil for anxiety should speak with a doctor to help determine the right treatment for them. Rethink’s CBD range includes oils, capsules, teas and booster shots and is available at all leading pharmacies and health stores nationwide.